"They couldn't see what I thought would be so obvious
They hide behind the laws they make for all of us
The ministry of truth at deals with pretense
The ministry of peace that sits on defense
I'm washing my hands of what they're tryin' to do
Its for me, its for me, its for you, its for you"
*Lyrics Rock 'n' Roll Rebel - Ozzy Osbourne
Hi there, thank you for being here.
This is a call for action to all musicians/artists/creators and their following all over the world.
Don't you feel it in your gut, that all measurements taken, are part of a plan?
Do you still believe, you will be up and running with your shows in the near future?
Are you hoping for a better year compared to 2020/21/22/23?
Are you still living in fear, telling your fans and family to 'stay safe' as if we're in a post-nuclear war?
Are you afraid to speak up, to rebel? Is it to prevent being black-listed and thus, not getting enough exposure to earn money?
Since when did you accept the information handed by mainstream media?
Since when did you start to trust your government?
As a rock and roll artist/musician myself, I have a natural tendency to question government policies, to go against the establishment. I wish I'd come across a similar attitude from my favorite artists and bands, but I haven't. If any, you'll get to read 'Stay safe' or a link to purchase masks with the artists' logo. That to me is definitely not rock and roll. At our side, it's too damn silent.
Our music is so much more than just entertainment. It's a frequency that binds us and touches our very core. Hell, it has saved me. If it wasn't for music, I wouldn't even be here to write this. Free artistic expression will be under detailed surveillance and control. If your art does not follow strict guidelines, you will be reported, shut down and silenced.
Let's create a future for ourselves, our music and free expression through arts. Let us rise, break the silence and work together following our heart. It all starts with a counter-response from you.
If you are with me, react, take action or spread the word in your own artistic ways.
We are more than rock and roll rebels,
Rise of a new world order, the great reset
Conclusion, proof by international, scientific & well cited medical journal CIRCULATION;
Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning
*link to article HERE

*File download below, vaccine death report (by David John Sorensen & Dr Vladimir Zelenko, MD).
(Gathered scientific facts, data and explanations taken from VAERS, whistleblowers, CDC fraud experts & the people)
(Sources: Official medical statistics/government info/mainstream & alternative media)
Click HERE (*in Dutch, provided by Robert Jensen)

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