*Second-class citizen; 'A person belonging to a social or political group whose rights and opportunities are inferior to those of the dominant group in a society.'
Congratulations, it's official! You have become a second-class citizen. Did you ever expect this to happen to you? Because of a flu? Unbelievable isn't it?
Well, I'm with you all the way and just wanted to buck you up. Perhaps you're reading this and feel discouraged about your future. Don't forget, you're a truly magnificent universal being, light & energy. You are NOT alone. I've sang and played my heart out at the freedom march on September 5th in Amsterdam and felt this positive energy, one on one.
Now, this is what I have done for you. I've turned down gigs to not exclude you from live shows. Music is for everyone and your health status is none of my business. I'm still updating the 'We are the rock and roll rebels' page with new-found links to connect and address this issue with fellow musicians/bands & artists. I've made videos speaking up against the restrictions. I've drawn and posted cartoons here and there. I'm corresponding with other platforms that speak up for the sake of humanity. I've written and released a FREE song to download, promoting awareness of the deceit 'World Ain't Gonna Change'. *Hope you'll check it out! And something really exciting and bold coming up.. You'll see!
We're being played at a global scale. Let us then see it as a game, a very evil game, but a game nevertheless. Let us play it well, together. You have my deepest respect making a stand against the agenda. I suggest a mass non-compliance to all government restrictions and start building the world we want to live in.
So keep it up! Fearless and brave.
Sincerely yours,
*Important & handy (for the Dutch); If you're being asked to show your QR code by a police officer or BOA. Read them this document (An official document prepared by an officer and a lawyer to protect you, basically showing that no restrictions are legal or have ground to uphold, as stated in your universal rights of being a human/citizen)
Below an attachment for yourself to know how to use the previous document.

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